They like me, they really like me!


rejection.. and such

So the real news to start with- I didn't get accepted to the nursing department. I am not really upset, I kind of knew I was not getting in this time around, but I did have some hope. I'm more angry with the stupid letter. I basically said that they gave first priority to those that have all of the minimum prerequisites done with "hidh academic performance" Which I do have. I have an A in chem, an A in Anatomy and physiology I an A in Pharmacology Calculations.. so that is a bogus reason. I KNOW I didn't get in because I still have to complete A&P II and Microbiology, which I will have done at the end of this semester.. But like I said I am not really upset.. I just fell a little lost.. Like I don't know what to do next.. what the next step is for me. Do I wait until next year to apply to a bunch of different places since I still have some other classes to take anyways, or do I go ahead and apply now and see what happens... ugh I just don't know

in other news- Tamela from A Brunette Making It One Day At A Time has tagged me to do this. Her blog is a lot like mine and she leaves me some awesome comments so I decided to go ahead and do this little thing

Here's how to do this 8 THINGS thing:

  • Mention the person that tagged you.
  • Complete the lists of 8's.
  • Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends.
  • Go tell them you tagged them!


  1. Getting married
  2. Getting into nursing school
  3. Losing some weight.. maybe 10 pounds
  4. the summer sun and relaxing because the semester is over
  5. my 21st birthday!!! 3 months from today!!!
  6. my hair to be long
  7. Christopher and I moving into our own place
  8. getting a puppy

  1. school
  2. work
  3. went for a walk because it was nice out
  4. read my blogs. I love to stay up to date with everyone
  5. called my mommy
  6. did some yard work
  7. dealt with crazy customers
  8. looked at prices for new computers

  1. Cook... I am reall not so good at it, so I would love to be better at it
  2. manage my stress better. I get bent out of shape pretty easily
  3. Have Chris and I move into our own apartment
  4. Be a nurse already
  5. Be in 2 places at once. I could get so much more crap done
  6. see into the future so i know what to expect
  7. knit
  8. take lots of vacations

now this one is no fair because I really don't watch any TV butt
  1. scrubs
  2. project runway
  3. john and kate plus 8
  4. whose wedding is it anyways
  5. the hills
  6. 6 feet under
  7. stargate sg1
  8. family guy

  1. sara @ Little Rhody Girl
  2. Tiffany @ Student RN Tiffany
  3. hFr @ Simple Pleasures
  4. Jamie @ Jamie Unscripted
  5. For the love of pictures @ Boredom's Bounty
  6. Cassie @ Southern Domestic Goddess
  7. Christine @ A Journey Through Nursing School
  8. M.J @ Pinknic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could be in two places at once too. How wonderful would that be!! Don't fret about nursing school. You will figure it out! I thought about going back to school to become a nurse as a second degree, but it might have to wait awhile. So I am envious.