Inspired by Amy
I am not shy. I will willingly tell the world whatever they want to hear. I do not always think before I speak, I oftentimes find myself putting my foot in my mouth. I am not a patient person. I do not like having to wait for results or answers. I totally understand why my generation is often referred to the as the generation that needs instant gratification. I am not good at calling a lot of people back. Please don't leave me voice mails if you want a response a text or e-mail would be much better.
I am not a "Pretty girl". I love my jeans and t-shirts. I am NOT a lover of all things beauty. I don't even know how to put foundation on. I don't spend time pampering myself, because frankly, I just don't have time to. I am not "skinny", I know this. I am trying to love my size and shape every day the way Christopher does. That being said, I am not lacking in the confidence department. I know that I am good at a whole lot of other things and I try not to let my body image get in the way of that.
I am most certainly not an advocate of PETA but I love my animals more than I love my people some times. I am not an alcoholic. I am not a party girl. I am not a hermit. I like to have a good time but I really do love just staying home and knowing that i can sleep in my own bed. I am not domestic, crafty, or really creative. I am afraid that I will be a bad wife because of that. I can't cook and I hate cleaning, I better start working on that hehe. I am not afraid to take risks and just jump and any opportunity that comes my way. They always seem to work out in my favor
Happy Easter early! Go check out my blog, there is something for you there :)
Instead of dwelling on what your not, why not celebrate what you are? :)
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